International Living Learning Community Mural

Student Life

Bringing your education home

Aug 08, 2018

Switch it up

Want to make a change from a typical residence hall experience? Then our living-learning communities might be the right fit for you. Here you can connect your studies to campus life by living with other students who share your interests, no matter if those interests include a common major, participating in the same student organization or a passion for exploring different cultures.

LLC students


Go global while staying local

If you are interested in studying abroad you can get a head start by living with or next door to students from the other side of the globe at the international student living-learning community (LLC) right here on campus.

 “Our goal was to create an environment where both international and domestic students could build community and learn from each other’s differences,” says Jesús Velasco, international student advisor at the Center for Global Education who also started the international LLC.

Victor Krüeeger ’19 and Jami Haasl ’19 (pictured below) are the resident assistants (RAs) of the LLC, providing campus information and putting together educational programs and social events. Victor is an international student himself, originally from Malmö, Sweden and knows about the unique challenges and benefits for residents from personal experience. “There are a lot more differences in a community like this, but both Jami and I have worked hard to adapt our styles to facilitate this process,” he said.

Resident Assistants


Communities within a community

Apart from the international LLC, other specific communities on campus include the College Scholars LLC in Ward Residence Hall as well as the engineering LLC which is coming soon.

Living Learning Community