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Student Disability Services

Accommodation Information

Student Disability Services is an office within Academic Affairs, which coordinates accommodations for undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities. We view disability as an important aspect of diversity and we are committed to providing equal opportunity and meaningful access for all students. We partner with students, faculty, and staff to provide accessible environments and academic accommodations so that students can be curious, engaged, ethical, and purposeful citizens and leaders in local, national, and global contexts.

Student Disability Services has been designated by North Central College to coordinate reasonable accommodations in compliance with Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. Student Disability Services engages in an interactive process with each student on an individual, case-by-case basis to determine reasonable accommodations.

To be eligible for academic and/or housing accommodations, students must register with Student Disability Services and provide documentation of disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Disability is defined as: 

  1. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities such as walking, standing, seeing, speaking, hearing, sitting, breathing, reading, learning, thinking, performing manual tasks, or taking care of oneself; or
  2. Has a record of such impairment or is perceived as having such impairment.

Registering with Student Disability Services is a collaborative and interactive process. Because disability impacts each individual differently, we want to devote attention to your verification and intake meeting. We ask that you allow up to 10 business days for us to process your verification, review other documentation, and schedule an intake. As a reminder, please make sure your verification meets our requirements. All the steps in our process have to be completed and approved in order for accommodations to be assigned.

During January and February, as well as July and August, the office experiences a higher volume of requests, and the process will be delayed. If you are seeking accommodations for Fall, the process can begin in March. We ask for your patience as we work together through this process.

Requesting Academic Accommodations

  1. The student must complete the Academic Accommodation Request form to start the process.
  2. Submit documentation verifying a disability. Please see the Disability Verification Options below. Documentation can be attached to the form in step one or be submitted using one the options listed below.
  3. Complete a Release and Exchange of Information form to allow Student Disability Services to consult with the healthcare provider about the student’s disability. The release can be attached to the form in step one or be submitted using one the options listed below.
  4. Attend an intake meeting with Student Disability Services.

Requesting Housing Accommodations

  1. Complete the Housing Accommodation Request form to start the process.
  2. Submit a verification to substantiate a need for a particular housing accommodation. The verification must show substantial limitations to major life activities relevant to living in campus housing. Please see the Disability Verification Options below. Documentation can be attached to the form in step one or be submitted using one the options listed below.
  3. Complete a Release and Exchange of Information form to allow Student Disability Services to consult with the healthcare provider about the student’s disability. The release can be attached to the form in step one or be submitted using one the options listed below.
  4. Attend an intake meeting with Student Disability Services.

Verification Options

Providing documentation is part of the process for determining reasonable accommodations. Since each student’s experience with disability, physical health, and/or mental health is unique, we are committed to providing flexible options for a verification. Below is a list of acceptable forms of documentation, and ways to submit documents to Student Disability Services.

Regardless of the option(s) selected, all verifications must be from a healthcare professional that diagnosed and/or is currently treating the individual requesting the information. Please note that a family member and/or a person with an inherent conflict of interest (e.g. a pre-existing relationship with the student or their family that would make it unethical to complete the documentation) may not provide the verification.

Option 1 - All Disabilities, Physical Health, Mental Health, and/or Temporary Conditions

The following form can be completed to support the student's disability, physical health, mental health and/or temporary condition by a healthcare professional (psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, licensed certified social worker, medical doctor, optometrists, etc.) who is not a family member of the student and/or who does not have an inherent conflict of interest. This will be used to determine eligibility for reasonable accommodation.

Verification form

Option 2 - All Disabilities, Physical Health, Mental Health, and/or Temporary Conditions

A letter can be provided by a qualified treating or diagnosing healthcare professional (psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, licensed certified social worker, medical doctor, optometrists, etc.) who is not a family member of the student. Documentation can be completed on the healthcare professional's official letterhead and signed by the credentialed professional. Information should contain:

  • A diagnostic statement identifying the disability with the date of diagnosis;
  • The impact of the disability;
  • An assessment of major life activities that are affected by the impairment (memory, concentration, social interactions, learning, thinking, walking standing, sitting, etc.);
  • Include test scores/diagnostics when applicable; and
  • Must include name and title of professional, license number, address, phone and signature of professional.

Option 3 - All Disabilities, Physical Health, Mental Health, and/or Temporary Conditions

A neuropsychological or psychological report ideally completed after the student’s thirteenth birthday is acceptable documentation.

Option 4 - Learning Disabilities, Developmental/Cognitive/Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum

An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is accepted for students with Learning Disabilities, Developmental/Cognitive/Intellectual Disabilities or students diagnosed on the Autism/Asperger's Spectrum. However, the last IEP (Transition) is not accepted. Student Disability Services requests the three year re-evaluation and/or psychological report with eligibility. These documents may be requested from the high school. While Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is not a learning disability, students are eligible for accommodations supported by documentation from Options one, two or three.

Option 5 - Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Students who are deaf/hard of hearing should provide diagnostic results from a full hearing test performed by a qualified professional. Documentation must also address the following:

  • Relevant medical history, including date of hearing loss;
  • Specific diagnosis and recent audiogram;
  • Description of functional limitation (with and without any hearing aids or other assistive devices or treatments); and
  • Additional information that can be helpful would be an IEP or 504 Plan.

Option 6 - Blind/Low Vision

Students who are diagnosed as blind/low vision must provide a copy of the complete ocular examination from an optometrist or ophthalmologist that includes:

  • Diagnosis and original diagnosis date;
  • Etiology/cause;
  • Impact or limitation (including acuity scores);
  • Visual acuity with and without correction;
  • Status of corrective lenses (glasses and/or contact lenses and any other devices); and
  • Additional information that can be helpful would be an IEP or 504 Plan.

Submitting Documentation

Documentation can be attached to the accommodations request form, mailed, faxed, emailed or dropped off.

  • Mail: North Central College
    Student Disability Services
    30 North Brainard Street
    Naperville, IL 60540
  • Fax: 630-637-5462
  • Email: sds@noctrl.edu
  • Drop off: Oesterle Library room 230

Contact Information

Phone: 630-637-5264
Fax: 630-637-5462
Email: sds@noctrl.edu

Reporting an Allegation of Harassment or Discrimination

Students have the right to report an allegation of discrimination in which the student has experienced harassment or discrimination in which they have been denied equal access on the basis of a disability. Students can report experiences of harassment or discrimination online or to a staff member.

Online Reporting via the Bias Incident Reporting Form:

Bias Incident Reporting Form

Direct Reporting:

Coordinator of Student Disability Services
Noah Cooperider

Director of Student Success
Dan Sylvester

Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of Student Success/504 Coordinator
Julie Williams

If the matter cannot be resolved by the Coordinator of Student Disability Services or if the complaint involves the coordinator, the student can email the Director of Academic Success and Support Programs. If the situation cannot be resolved by the director or if the complaint involves the director the student can fill out the online Bias Incident Reporting Form or contact the 504 Coordinator directly. Students can request that their allegation be investigated through the Formal Resolution Procedure outlined in the Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation Policy.

The Formal Resolution Procedures is intended to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints involving discrimination on the basis of disability. 

Retaliation against persons involved in reporting, investigation or informal resolution process is prohibited. Retaliation will be treated as a separate violation of the policy.

If the complaint cannot be resolved at the college level, the student may choose to file a complaint with the Federal Office of Civil Rights.

Chicago Office
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
Citigroup Center
500 W. Madison Street, Suite 1475
Chicago, IL 60661-4544

Phone: 312-730-1560
Fax: 312-730-1576; TTY: 800-877-8339
Email: OCR.Chicago@ed.gov