student standing


From Ecuador to Engineering

Mar 11, 2019

Achieving my dream of engineering my future

I was born and raised in Ecuador. My sister studied in the United States when I was little, and I asked my father once why she was so far from home. He told me that education and the experience a person gets from studying in the U.S. is unique. I wanted to know firsthand what it was like to live and study there, and on that day a dream was born.

I felt nervous to come to North Central because I had to leave my home and my family for a place I had never been and a culture completely different from mine. The same thing that made me nervous, though, also made me curious about this life-changing adventure.

Now I am working with Professor Frank Harwath, professor of engineering,  on research focused on producing sustainable, affordable building materials out of waste products. Just in my first year, I feel I am already learning many things that will help me reach my future goals. Right now, I can say that what my father told me is true, and North Central is helping me achieve my dream.

professor and student researching

For more information, contact International Student Services and Engagement. This organization supports, advocates and designs experiences for international students from admittance through graduation.