Study Abroad Student

Student Life

4 Answers to “How can I take my college experience beyond campus?”

There are many adventures awaiting you off campus

Mar 20, 2019

We love that you’re here…but we also really want you to go. We want you to venture out and make your world bigger during your time at North Central.


Here are 4 great ways to find your next big adventure off campus!


1. Service Trips 

A hallmark of the North Central experience is going on service trips. You have opportunities to walk in the shoes of people in need, to learn about society in their part of the world and work to improve their lives.

Peru Study Abroad


2. Study Abroad 

With 50 programs in 22 countries, you have a globe full of opportunities to discover new people and different cultures. You can study in another country for an entire semester or take a short-term trip to learn a new language, study different systems of business and politics, or explore unique customs and recreational activities.

Costa Rica Study Abroad


3. Sankofa Experience 

“Sankofa” means you must go back to your past to move forward. Each year during spring break, a diverse group of students travels outside the Chicago area to discuss and explore the background of a different cultural group.

Sankofa experience


4. Chicago Term 

Chicago Term is a residential and academic immersion in one of the most culturally diverse, dynamic and renowned cities in the country. Explore Chicago, perform research and complete internships that complement your major.

students in chicago