
Student Life

11 places to find a campus job

Nov 07, 2018

Where can you find a job on campus? The short answer is anywhere! Offices and organizations all across campus offer student jobs with flexible work schedules.

Between classes and Netflix, you can find an on-campus job that aligns with your career goals, teaches you a new skill or simply gives you the funds to say “yes” to the guacamole during your next Chipotle run.

Here are just some of the many places you can work on campus.


1. Boilerhouse Café



2. Red Bike Repair Shop

red bike


3. Campus Safety

campus safety


4. Intramural Sports



5. Sustainability Office

sustainability 1sustainability 2


6. Cardinal Shuttle

A North Central College Cardinal Shuttle driver.


7. Campus Postal Center

post office


8. Fitness Facilities

fitness center


9. Student Involvement Center

cage front desk


10. Admission Welcome Center

admissionadmission 2


11. Office of Alumni and Development
