Bruce Spitzer
Professor of Education
Contact +1 630 637 5738
Office Location
STAD 249
Office Hours
Monday/Wednesday: 2:00-3:30 PM; Tuesday/Thursday: 10:00-11:00 AM via Zoom

Bruce Spitzer, Professor of Education, has been a member of the faculty at North Central College since 2017, serving as Chair of the Department of Education until 2024. His career in education includes stints as a high school speech and drama teacher, a high school English and journalism teacher, a community college English and Theatre instructor, a corporate vice president of instruction for a distance learning training company, a university graduate teaching and research assistant, and a professor of teacher education and instructional technology. Administratively, he has served as a department head and dean.
In all aspects of his professional life, he strives to be a servant leader. His personal mission statement reads, “With a light heart and a servant’s perspective, I seek to empower the work of individuals and groups that value learning, seek justice, and promote equality and success for all.”
He is a teacher at heart, a teacher educator by calling, and technology-using professional by training. He enjoys working with people who are dedicated to creating tomorrow's teachers, school professionals, and community leaders who will make a difference in the world.
Download CVCourses Taught
EDUC 200 Introduction to HS/MS/K12 Teaching
EDUC 235 Educational Technology in K12 Classrooms
EDN 411 Teacher Leadership in the Learning Environment
EDUC 492 Pre-Residency Seminar
EDUC 494 Student Teaching Residency Seminar
EDN 503 Teacher as Leader
MORG 500 Leadership and Organizational Theory