Academic Affairs

Peter Barger

Special Assistant to the Provost for Accreditation, Professor of Economics & Finance Emeritus


+1 630 637 5362

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Since 1989, Professor Barger has taught courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels in economics and finance.  He originated the department's courses in financial institutions, international finance, and the economics of social issues.  Professor Barger has also taught interdisciplinary seminars on the recent financial crisis, on money, and on modern Mexico.  His current research interest is the financial crisis and its effects on the economics and finance disciplines as well as on the teaching of money and banking, a course he teaches on an annual basis.

In his associate dean and director roles, Professor Barger has oversight of academic support, institutional research, and institutional assessment and accreditation.  He coordinated the College's most recent comprehensive self-study and has made presentations at the Higher Learning Commission on self study and assessment. 

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Selected Scholarship

"Ten Years Toward a Culture of Assessment" with Fran Navakas, Caroline St. Clair, and Stephen Caliendo.  Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference, 2012.

"If We Had Only Known: Lessons from Coordinating a Self-Study" with Jonathan Pickering. Higher Learning Commission Annual Meeting, 2011.

"Guanxi as a Real Option." 2003 Proceedings: Academy of Finance, pages 19-30.

Courses Taught

FIN 425 Financial Institutions

FIN 450 Advanced Corporate Finance

BUS 641 Econometric Applications for Business

FIN 685 International Finance

ECN 360 Money and Banking

ECN 210 History of Economic Thought

IDS 125 First-Year Seminar: The Financial Crisis of 2007-2009