
Robert Lehe

Professor of Philosophy Emeritus


+1 630 637 5338

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Dr. Robert T. Lehe is Professor of Philosophy and Coordinator of History of Ideas.  Dr. Lehe joined the faculty in 1983 and teaches a variety of courses in the history of philosophy, philosophy of religion, epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics. His recent research interests include the problem of evil, the problem of divine hiddenness, religious pluralism, the Buddhist-Christian dialogue, and the relation between religion and science.

Selected Scholarship

God, Science, and Religious Diversity: A Defense of Theism, Cascade Books, 2018.

"Masao Abe and the Problem of Evil in Christianity and Buddhism," Buddhist-Christian Studies, 39, 2019.

"A Critique of Peter Byrne's Religious Pluralism," Religious Studies 50.4, 2014.

"The Nihilistic Consequences of the Argument from Evil," (with Daniel Kolb), International Philosophical Quarterly 49.4, 2009.

"A Response to the Argument from the Reasonableness of Nonbelief," Faith and Philosophy 21.2, 2004.

"Realism and Reality," Journal of Philosophical Research, xxxiii, 1998.

Courses Taught

Introduction to Philosophy


Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

Modern Philosophy


Philosophy of Religion

Science and Religion

Epistemology and Metaphysics


Greek and Hebrew Thought

Roman and Christian Thought

Medieval Thought