Jennifer Leigh McCarthy Foubert
Associate Professor of Education
Dr. Jennifer L. McCarthy Foubert is a former Kindergarten and K-5 Special Education teacher who specializes in elementary methods, sociological examinations of schooling, and improving the public school education of historically marginalized students. Much of Dr. McCarthy Foubert's scholarship uses a critical race theory lens to examine family-school partnerships and envision more liberatory schooling.
Selected Scholarship
McCarthy Foubert, J. L. (2023). Expanding the reasons we give for parent engagement: Black parents’ collective engagement as resisting white supremacy at school. Harvard Educational Review, 93 (4), 533-555.
McCarthy Foubert, J. L. (2023). Still-restrictive equality in shared school governance: Black parents’ engagement experiences and the persistence of white supremacy in a liberal public school district. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 36 (4), 543-558.
McCarthy Foubert, J. L. (2023). Rejecting transactional family-school partnerships and enacting more liberatory family literacy work. The Reading Teacher, 76 (5), 627-630.
McCarthy Foubert, J. L. (2022). Reckoning with racism in family-school partnerships: Centering Black Parents’ Engagement. Teachers College Press.
McCarthy Foubert, J. L. (2022). “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t:” Black parents’ racial realist parent engagement. Race Ethnicity and Education, 25(5), 647-664.