
Jake A Rehling

First Year Admission Counselor


+1 630 637 5807

Office Location

Old Main

Profile Picture

Favorite thing about North Central: I love that students can dabble in a little bit of everything! No matter what your major/minor is, students can get involved in every department on campus. If you are someone who has multiple passions, then North Central is definitely a great fit for you already!

Words I use to describe North Central students: Well-Rounded, Passionate, Determined, Focused.

Why I chose to become an Admission Counselor at North Central: I started working in Admissions as a Student Ambassador in October of 2020. The following summer, I applied to be the Campus Visit Intern within the office and got the position! Through this role, I discovered a passion for Higher Education and working with students to make their final college decision. So, when graduation was approaching and a spot opened up to be a First-Year Counselor, I didn't hesitate to apply. Being a counselor allows me to make deeper connections with prospective students and be their #1 fan as they prep to start a brand new chapter in their lives!

Favorite memory at North Central: I have a Performing Arts Degree, so definitely performing in shows through the Department of Theatre! When I was a student at NCC, I got to perform in 6 shows and make my directing debut my senior year with the musical Next to Normal.

Favorite Naperville Restaurant: Oooooh it changes all the time! However, I would say Empire Burgers and Brew. The food is amazing and sitting on the top balcony during the summer is so much fun.

Advice to Students: You are in charge of your own happiness and success in college, so make the most of it! Take that class, join that club, work that campus job. You will never know what will inspire you and what passions you'll discover if you don't try.