Jennifer Shah
Associate Professor of Education
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Jennifer K. Shah is an Assistant Professor of Education. She teaches introductory level education courses and methods courses to undergraduates training to become teachers and also works to supervise them in their clinical experiences in schools. Jennifer is a graduate of Loyola University Chicago's doctoral program in Curriculum and Instruction. Her research focuses on critical literacy, design-based research, and social justice initiatives in teacher preparation.
Prior to joining North Central College, Jennifer worked as a 6-8th grade middle school Social Studies teacher in Chicago and also served as adjunct faculty at Loyola University Chicago. She continues to be interested in Social Studies teaching and middle school methods.
Selected Scholarship
Navarro, O., Shah, J., Valdez, C., Dover, A., & Henning, N. (2020). Fighting on all fronts: The push, pull, and persistence of social justice educators and the move to reimagine teacher preparation. Teacher Education Quarterly, 47(3), p. 9-31.
Shah, J., & Apantenco, C. (2020). "Purposeful without the pressure": Discussing race in a third space with female teacher candidates of color through book and movie clubs. Success in High-Need Schools, 15(2).
Shah, J.K., Ensminger, D.C., & Their, K. (2015). The time for design-based research is right and right now. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 27(2), 153-173.
Shah, J.K. (2015, August). Moving critical literacies forward: A new look at praxis across contents, edited by Jessica Zacher Pandya and JuliAnna Ávila. [Book review]. Working Papers in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (WPLCLE), 4, 138-142.
Lipsky, E. T., & Shah, J.K. (2014, Spring). Critical literacy and 21st century Jewish day schools. Jewish Educational Leadership, 12 (2), 23-25.
Courses Taught
EDUC101: Foundations of Teaching and Learning
EDUC411: Equity and Access in Educational Systems
Clinical supervision