Education Abroad: Emergency Procedures
The following is also outlined on the laminated card given to you at your education abroad orientation. Should you have any questions, please contact the Center for Global Education at (630) 637-5132, Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
- For medical emergencies, contact the equivalent of 911 in your host country.
- If you have a medical emergency or need travel assistance, contact Europ Assistance, available 24/7.
- Telephone collect worldwide: +1 240 330 1551
- Call toll-free inside the U.S. or Canada: 1 855 901 6712
- Email: ops@europassistance-usa.com
- Note: Make sure you say you are a North Central College student abroad.
- Contact the international office at your host institution or follow the emergency procedures provided to you by the host institution; contact the NCC professor if there is one traveling with your group.
- Contact the North Central College Center for Global Education (8 am-5 pm Central Standard Time) in this order:
- +1 (630) 637-5132 (Center for Global Education Office Coordinator)
- +1 (630) 637-5899 (Rachel Birkley, Coordinator, Education Abroad)
- +1 (630) 637-5289 (Kimberly Larsson, Executive Director, Center for Global Education)
- +1 (630) 637-5151 (Dean of Students)
- If is is a night or weekend, contact NCC in this order:
- Rachel Birkley: refer to emergency response card for cell number
- Kimberly Larsson: refer to emergency response card for cell number
- Campus Safety: +1 (630) 637-5911