Linh Phu has been at North Central College since February 2018 starting in the Office of Residence Life before joining the Center for Student Success in November 2021 as a Success Coach. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences from Illinois State University and a Master of Arts in Educational Administration with a Specialization in Student Affairs from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. As a Success Coach, she primarily works with students who are majoring in STEM, Education, and Business. Linh also assists with coordinating North Central’s transfer initiatives and helps oversee the Transfer Connections initiatives.
Outside of campus, she proudly supports the Chicago Bears, Chicago Blackhawks, Chicago Bulls, and Chicago Cubs. If Linh is not watching games or the next queued show on Netflix, she can usually be found doing one of her favorite hobbies: baking desserts, caring for her houseplants, taking photos on her camera, or running on a local trail.