Title IX- Reporting to the College
Reporting to the College
This page provides links and information about the reporting options which includes who to report to, anonymous reporting, confidential reporting, and online reporting forms.
Read the Sexual Misconduct Resource Guide (also available in large text) which covers the major sections of the Title IX and Sexual Discrimination Policy.
Use the Sexual Misconduct Online Reporting Form to report.
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Campus Conduct Hotline
The Campus Conduct Hotline service can be used for any type of reporting and the caller can remain completely anonymous. This hotline can be used for reporting Title IX violations, sexual harassment, student/staff behavior, financial irregularities, complaints, etc.
Any member of the North Central community (faculty, staff or student) may report a serious complaint or concern to the Campus Conduct Hotline at 866-943-5787.
Callers to the hotline may remain anonymous.
North Central College employees now have the option to report concerns though Campus Conduct Hotline using an online portal as well as the toll-free number. You can use this service to make the institution aware of concerns that you might be uncomfortable raising in any other way. These concerns may be about possible fraudulent, unethical or unlawful conduct. Submissions will be kept confidential and can be submitted anonymously.
Campus Conduct Hotline® may be used by anyone in the campus community. Please note that if your concern relates to your terms and conditions of employment or is a disciplinary or grievance matter, then you should follow the established policies already in place. If you would like to know more about how Campus Conduct Hotline® operates, please email Mary Spreitzer, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, or call her at 630-637-5754.
Who to Report to:
College Reporting
All initial contacts will be treated with privacy: specific information on any allegations received by any party will be reported to the Title IX Coordinator but, subject to the College’s obligation to redress violations, every effort will be made to maintain the privacy of those initiating an allegation.
There may be situations or circumstances when a member of the College community is subjected to discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct and/or retaliation, but does not wish to come forward or pursue an investigation or resolution process, or when a person who observes discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct and/or retaliation directed at another member of the College community reports it to the Title IX Coordinator. Whether reported directly or by a third-party, the Title IX Coordinator will do all they can to:
- respect an individual’s desire to make an anonymous or confidential report;
- to engage in an informal process; or
- to pursue an investigation.
The Title IX Coordinator will evaluate requests for confidential or anonymous reporting and may grant such a request in cases in which there is not a continued individual or community risk for cases of sexual misconduct or bias-related incidents/hate crimes. Regardless, with all reports, supportive measures and remedies may be offered to the Complainant and the community. In cases indicating pattern, predation, multiple offenders, threat, weapons and/or violence, it is unlikely the Title IX Coordinator will be able to honor a request for anonymity, confidentiality, or to take no action. If the Title IX Coordinator determines that an investigation must be pursued, the Complainant will be informed and can participate in as much or as little of the process as they so choose. The Title IX Coordinator will maintain privacy to the extent possible.
Amnesty for Complainant and Witnesses
Complainants, third-party reporters, and witnesses are encouraged to report misconduct and crimes. Sometimes, Complainants or witnesses are hesitant to report to College officials or participate in grievance processes because they fear that they themselves may be in violation of certain policies, such as underage drinking or use of illicit drugs at the time of the incident. Respondents may hesitate to be forthcoming during the process for the same reasons.
It is in the best interests of the College community that Complainants choose to report misconduct to College officials, that witnesses come forward to share what they know, and that all parties be forthcoming during the process.
To encourage reporting and participation in the process, the College maintains a policy of offering parties and witnesses amnesty from minor policy violations – such as underage consumption of alcohol or the use of illicit drugs – related to the incident.