Why pursue a degree in Japanese at North Central College?
Japanese speakers are in high demand in international business, marketing, education, government and travel industries worldwide. Learning Japanese extends beyond language fluency building critical thinking skills that are transferable to many career fields. Individuals that can speak, read, write and understand Japanese will find that the knowledge of the Japanese language is often a priority to a potential employer over other job skills for positions they may be applying for. This program is designed to provide robust language skills along with the experiences necessary to succeed in a global work environment. At North Central College you will acquire the skills necessary to live and work in an international community. You will also gain exposure to cultural perspectives that will provide an in depth understanding of the Japanese culture and how to operate within it. Whatever you choose to do with what you learn, studying Japanese is sure to provide a wide variety of rewarding employment opportunities as a result of this in demand skill.
- Researching information related to foreign markets, humanitarian service, law, labor relations, marketing and news to assist international companies with making informed business decisions
- Providing leadership in the travel industry for hotels and airlines with locations, clients or customers in Japan
- Working or studying abroad using both English and Japanese languages to educate others
then a degree in JAPANESE might be for you.
Why study Japanese at North Central College?
In the Classroom
Coursework topics:
- 28 or more credit hours taught in Japanese
- East Asian Thought
- First-Year Japanese
- Japanese Culture and Society
- Japanese Enrichment
- Japanese History
- Japanese Pop Culture
- Japanese Through Multiple Media
- Japan Today
- Japanese for Written Communication
- Religious Pluralism in Japan
- Second-Year Japanese
Beyond the Classroom
As a Japanese major, you can:
- Study in Japan through one of our numerous exchange programs.
- Apply for international study scholarships, including our Omron Scholarship for Study in Japan.
- Participate in cultural events and activities including trips to cultural centers with the Japan Club.
- Earn a TESOL (Teaching English to speakers of other languages) minor.
- Strengthen your language skills as you get to know the Japanese international students on campus.
- Participate in the Japan Club and help promote cultural awareness.
- Take advantage of on-campus tutoring options and the Roberta I. Myers Language Resource Center for individualized tutoring or audio and video support
- Qualify for induction into the Japanese Honor Society, or Phi Sigma Iota for students studying more than one language.
Japanese, B.A.
For additional programs and courses in this department, see World Languages and Cultures.
The Japanese major consists of at least 33 credits at or above the 201-level, with at least 28 credits taught in Japanese including the following coursework. This major will automatically satisfy the elementary competency in a foreign language requirement of the B.A. degree as noted in the
JPST 240 - Japanese Culture and Society
JPST 240 - Japanese Culture and Society
JAPN 480 - Capstone Portfolio
JAPN 480 - Capstone Portfolio
One of the following:
JAPN 410 - Japanese Through Multiple Media
JAPN 410 - Japanese Through Multiple Media
JAPN 420 - Japanese for Written Communication
JAPN 420 - Japanese for Written Communication
JAPN 490 - Topics
JAPN 490 - Topics
Semester Study Abroad
Complete a semester study abroad program in Japan, with a minimum of eight credit hours taught in Japanese or complete the following 16 credit hours:
JPST 280 - Japanese Pop Culture
JPST 280 - Japanese Pop Culture
- Eight credits in JAPN courses
One of the following:
HIST 230 - East Asian Thought
HIST 230 - East Asian Thought
HIST 265 - Japanese History: From Samurai to Sony
HIST 265 - Japanese History: From Samurai to Sony
RELG 265 - Religious Pluralism in Japan
RELG 265 - Religious Pluralism in Japan
Students seeking teaching licensure must also complete the
Students must demonstrate elementary competence in a foreign language. For more information, see the
Japanese Minor
For additional programs and courses in this department, see World Languages and Cultures.
A minimum 24 credit hours, with at least 20 credit hours of courses taught in Japanese, including:
JPST 240 - Japanese Culture and Society
JPST 240 - Japanese Culture and Society
Four credit hours from the following:
JAPN 301 - Third-Year Japanese I
JAPN 301 - Third-Year Japanese I
JAPN 302 - Third-Year Japanese II
JAPN 302 - Third-Year Japanese II
Japanese Internships and Jobs
A North Central education integrates career preparation with rich academic study. Our faculty encourages you to refine and apply your knowledge in an interconnected world. Here you'll learn to think independently and work globally to solve problems and lead.
- Unique opportunities for North Central College students are available in Japan with our partner institutions.
Recent graduates in Japanese include:
- English teacher, Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme
- International relations coordinator
- Librarian/information technology
- Positions with Chicago-based Japanese companies
Invest in your future
Choosing the right college is a big decision. Don’t make it alone. North Central’s admission and financial aid team is here to help you design a financial aid solution that works best for you and your family.
Merit scholarships, grants, loans, campus employment - these are just some of the resources available to you. Over 95 percent of students and 100 percent of all eligible students receive aid. Let our team partner with you in finding the best value for your education.
Learn more about financial aid and costs for North Central College
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