Xiaoye Chen
Associate Professor of Marketing
Contact +1 630 637 5239
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Dr. Chen received her Doctorate degree in Marketing from McGill University, Canada. She joined North Central College in the year of 2012. Her first author research papers have been published in peer reviewed academic journals including European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Research for Consumers, etc. She has presented her research work in leading academic conferences both nationally and internationally, such as: American Marketing Association Educators’ Conference, Associations for Consumer Research Conference, and Society for Marketing Advances Conference, etc. At North Central College, Dr. Chen has taught courses including: Principles of Marketing, Sales and Sales Management, Business and Society, International Marketing (undergraduate and MBA), Consumer Behavior, and Marketing Management (MBA).
Selected Scholarship
Xiaoye Chen, Rong Huang, Zhiyong Yang, Laurette Dube, (2018) "CSR types and the moderating role of corporate competence", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 52, Issue: 7/8.
Xiaoye Chen, Rong Huang, (2018) "The impact of diverse corporate social responsibility practices on consumer product evaluations", Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 27 Issue: 6, pp.701-715
Donnavieve Smith and Xiaoye Chen (2018), “Brand experience, flow and brand app loyalty: examining consumer decision making within branded mobile apps”, Marketing Management Journal, Volume 28, Issue 2.
Xiaoye Chen (2017), “Bridging Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer’s Corporate Brand Evaluations—Understanding Consumers’ Psychological Processes”, Journal of Research for Consumers, Issue 31