Thomas Cavenagh, JD
Schneller Sisters Professor of Leadership Ethics and Values; Director of the Center for Social Impact; Director Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership; Professor of Business Law and Conflict Resolution
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Thomas D. Cavenagh, JD joined North Central in 1989 and is the Schneller Sisters Professor of Leadership, Ethics & Values and Professor of Law and Conflict Resolution. He directs the Leadership, Ethics & Values Program at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois, and is the founder of and directs the North Central College Dispute Resolution Center. He graduated from Trinity College with a B.A. in old testament studies and philosophy, magna cum laude. His J.D. is from DePaul University College of Law. He is the author of Business Dispute Resolution: Best Practices, System Design and Case Management, and the co-author of Alternative Dispute Resolution for Business by West Publishing Company and CyberJustice: A Guide to Online Dispute Resolution for E-Commerce by Prentice-Hall. He has chaired the Illinois State Bar Association Section Council on Alternative Dispute Resolution and has been widely published in a variety of professional journals including Mediation Quarterly. He is the recipient of the North Central College Dissinger Prize for Faculty Scholarship and the North Central College Clarence F. Dissinger Distinguished Teaching and Service Award, and the Academy of Legal Studies in Business Master Teacher Award.