Paul Brandt
Professor of Chemistry; Chairperson Department of Chemistry and Physics/Biochemistry; Chemical Hygiene Officer
Contact +1 630 637 5193
Office Location
WSC 318

My research interests revolve around methodological studies of a Green process referred to as the BASIL technique. This technique allows us to remove most, if not all solvents from the reaction.
I go out to many schools in the area to put on chemistry demonstrations and bring students along if they are interested in going. I was recently Chair for the Chicago Section of the ACS and Editor of The Chemical Bulletin - the Chicago Section's newsmagazine. ChemWest, an organization I'm proud to be a member of, helps chemistry teachers in the Chicagoland area to meet and discuss new ways of teaching chemistry and always has good chemistry demonstrations to show. Recently as co-chair, NCC and I hosted ChemEd 2019, an international conference geared toward helping HS teachers (primarily) teach Chemistry. I help organize Chemistry Scouting merit badges (boys and girls) and the ASM Materials Science Camp for teachers and high school students.
Download CVSelected Scholarship
Chemistry Education Grant, PI, Tellabs, $47,784, 2011-2013
ACI's Science and Math Learning Collaborative, Investigator, IBHE, $948,350, 2007-2009
Creative Workshops for K-12 Science Educators, PI, Dreyfus, $19,100, 2005-2006
Paul Brandt, Joanne Syncheff, Mary McMahon “Can Enthusiasm be Contagious? Building Classrooms That Increase the Enjoyment of Science and Mathematics For Female Students and Male Students Together With Their Teachers in Challenging School Settings” Associated Colleges of Illinois 2009 Arts and Sciences Colloquium, Chicago, IL 2009.
Brandt, P., Brown, M., Carey, J., Conrady, K., Noga, J., Rapp, D., Albrecht, J., “Clean and Simple Syntheses of Phosphine Compounds Using Ionic Liquids”, 38th Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Lincolnshire, IL, 2009, Abst. 231.
Brandt, P. “Using Ionic Liquids to Control Solvent Waste” Gordon Research Conference – Green Chemistry, Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI, 2004.
Brandt, P. “Chiral Phosphinoferrocenes: Precursors To Asymmetric Catalysts”, 35th Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, IL, 2003, Abst. 166.
Courses Taught
CHEM 121: General Chemistry I - Bio-organic Chemistry
CHEM 122: General Chemistry II - Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 301: Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 401: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 392/493: Seminar
CHEM 485: Chemical Research and Scientific Writing
CHM 425: Organometallic Chemistry
CHM 430: Special Topics - Green Chemistry
CHM 100: Chemistry Today - Chemistry Demonstrations
SCIE 110: The Science of Energy