Office of Admissions

Jennifer (McKinney) Brown

Associate Director of Freshman Admission



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Favorite thing about North Central:  The people – students, faculty, and staff.  Everyone at North Central College is genuine, kind, and cares about student success.

Words I use to describe North Central students:  friendly, involved, motivated, and fun!

Why did I choose to become an admission counselor/staff member at North Central?  I have had a strong passion for North Central since setting foot on campus my freshman year – it’s a great place!  I love sharing my experiences as a student and staff member and helping high school students through their own college search process.

Favorite Things to do in Naperville:  Walk along the river walk or in one of the local forest preserves, dine or shop in downtown Naperville, attend festivals such as Oktoberfest and Last Fling.

Advice to Students:  Visit colleges in which you are interested in applying!  It's a great way to get a feel for any campus.