
Greg Lynch

Associate Professor of Philosophy, Chairperson, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies


+1 630 637 5337

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Dr. Lynch received his B.A. (2002) in Philosophy from Cedarville University and his M.A. (2009) and Ph.D. (2013) in Philosophy from Fordham University. He joined the philosophy faculty at North Central in 2014. Dr. Lynch's research focuses on issues in hermeneutics and the philosophy of language, particularly the work of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Dr. Lynch teaches a number of philosophy courses at North Central, including Existentialism, Ethics, Philosophy of Mind, Aesthetics, Modern Philosophy, and 20th Century Philosophy. He is also the faculty advisor for the North Central College Philosophy club. 

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Selected Scholarship

With Carlo DaVia, The Event of Meaning in Gadamer's Hermeneutics, Routledge (2024)

Gadamer’s Aspectival Realism, Ergo (2021)

Gadamer in Anglo-America, The Gadamerian Mind, ed. Theodore George and Gert-Jan van der Heiden, Routledge (2021)

Meaning for Radical Contextualists: Travis and Gadamer on Why Words Matter, Philosophical Investigations 41:1 (2018)

Radical Interpretation and the Problem of Asymmetry, International Journal for Philosophical Studies 24:4 (2016)