Frank Harwath
Professor of Engineering; Director of Engineering Program; Chairperson Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Contact +1 630 637 5173
Office Location

Frank Harwath spent over 3 decades working in industry designing and developing products and processes. As an entrepreneur, he started 3 companies and ran an independent consulting firm for 13 years. During his career he has accumulated 96 patents, and designed products used in high performance computers, graphics hardware, cell phones, fiber optics, and sporting goods.
Selected Scholarship
A Self-Assembling Nano-Structured Ceramic/Polymer Composite Film for Electronic Interconnections
ASM International
Real World Considerations Affecting Net Gravimetric and Volumetric Energy Densities in Secondary Lithium Batteries
Metrics: The Cornerstone of Science
Journal for Success in High-Need Schools
High quality MgO film grown at high rate by low temperature conformal CVD
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films
Courses Taught
ENGR 100 Intro to Engineering
ENGR 110 The Engineering Method
ENGR 120 Engineering Calculations
ELEC 150 Intro to Electrical Engineering
MECH 210 Materials Science & Engineering
ELEC 300 Electromechanics I
MECH 320 Mechanical Design II
ENGR 400 Independent Project I
ENGR 431 Industrial Metrology and Statistics
ENGR 450 Capstone I
ENGR 451 Capstone II
ENGR 480 Failure Analysis