Request for Additional Financial Aid Assistance

North Central College partners with students to create an educational opportunity that is both dynamic and affordable. We annually invest over $50 million in financial assistance to students in the form of merit and need-based institutional awards. Our merit awards recognize the outstanding academic and personal achievements of students. Our need-based awards recognize the financial needs of our students utilizing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

While we do provide our best offer based on the information we have at the time, we also understand that some circumstances cannot be described in numbers alone. This appeal process was created to allow students the opportunity to request additional assistance not already demonstrated with our merit and need-based programs. Completing this form does not guarantee additional assistance, as funding is limited, but we do evaluate each request carefully and equitably.

Student Name
Do you plan to utilize student loans?
Have you pursued or secured outside scholarships?
Where do you plan to reside during the academic year?
Do you have a pressure date to make a decision?
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