You can make your Day of Giving gift today! 

Join us and make your Day of Giving gift on or before Thursday, February 20, 2025 for our 10th Annual Day of Giving and #ImpactNC! You can direct your gift to the North Central College Fund or to your favorite academic department, athletic program, fine arts initiative, student organization, or scholarship and help us reach our goal of $800,000 of support for our talented students and dedicated faculty!



Learn how to support North Central students and #ImpactNC with your gift to the NCC Fund on our 10th Annual Day of Giving!

#ImpactNC with your Day of Giving Gift!

Be one of the many Cardinal family members to ImpactNC with your gift — no matter the amount — on the 10th annual Day of Giving! Help spread the word about the Day of Giving on your own social media pages and follow the dynamic website on February 20 to see the impact of gifts from our generous Cardinal family. 

Want to create a match or challenge gift of at least $500, we can help! Contact Jared Bogan M’10 at 630-637-5267 ( or Dana O'Donoghue M’23 at 630-637-5203 ( 

Great "Day of Giving" To Be a Cardinal!!!

The inaugural Day of Giving was held in 2016 and raised nearly $100,000 from 894 donors. Nine Day of Giving celebrations have resulted in nearly $2.8M of support from thousands of generous Cardinal donors. We invite you to #ImpactNC and be part of North Central history on February 20, 2025!