October 7, 2022
Dear Campus Community,
I am writing with an update regarding our shared efforts to identify North Central College’s 11th President.
Thank you to everyone who completed the electronic stakeholder survey or participated in conversations with our consultants, Julie Tea and Kate Phillips of Storbeck Search, during their recent visit to campus. Your thoughtful comments provided the basis for the creation of the Presidential Search Prospectus, a valuable tool that will be used to solicit nominations and recruit candidates nationally. I also want to express my appreciation for the College’s communications and marketing teams for their remarkable work producing the Prospectus. We invite you to review the Prospectus, which is now available on North Central’s website www.northcentralcollege.edu/presidential-search and on the Storbeck Search site.
As you review the search Prospectus, please pay particular attention to the attributes most highly desired in our new President. We urge you to suggest people you know who could serve effectively in this important leadership position, or to suggest those you think might know of potential candidates. Please forward their names to Julie Tea and Kate Phillips at NCCPresident@storbecksearch.com.
Our committee understands the success of our search depends on the involvement of all members of the North Central College community. Please rest assured that names and information concerning potential candidates will be treated with full confidentiality.
Over the next several weeks, our work will focus on generating a national candidate pool through nominations received from you and others; inquiries at other colleges and universities similar to North Central in scope and mission; advertising in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, and on a number of other relevant websites; and the work of our colleagues at Storbeck Search. In late November, the search committee will begin to narrow the candidate pool.
I am very pleased to report that our search is off to a good start. I will write to you again as we enter subsequent stages of the process.
Thank you for your support.
Dr. Kathy Birkett
Trustee, Chair of the Presidential Search Committee