North Central College in the News
Dr. Herman B. White Jr. Featured on ABC 7 Chicago
Feb 24, 2020
College Trustee Dr. Herman White, retired Fermilab physicist, honored at Museum of Science and Industry
North Central College trustee and adjunct professor Dr. Herman White was featured in a "Chicago Proud" segment on ABC 7 Chicago for his work as a groundbreaking physicist.
His work conducting particle physics experiments at Fermilab is now on display at the museum as part of the 50th anniversary of the Black Creativity Exhibit. As a result of his work on the neutrino particles, he has a scientific equation that bears his name- the Stefanski and White formula- the first African-American in history to be so honored. White retired from Fermilab in December 2019 after an illustrious 45-year career.
His life story in a video oral history--assembled by the HistoryMakers organization--was accepted as part of the Library of Congress permanent repository in 2014. He continues to advise several governmental agencies on physics and on the international front, White has twice served as the U.S. delegate to the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics International Conference on Women in Physics. He continues his role as an advisor to the African School of Fundamental Physics (now in its 10th year).
White continues to share his expertise with North Central College as a trustee, adjunct professor and mentor. He served as the keynote speaker for the College's annual Martin Luther King Jr. prayer breakfast in January.