Professional Spanish
Why pursue a minor in professional Spanish at North Central College?
Spanish speakers are in high demand in international business, marketing, education, government, travel, health and human services, law and media industries worldwide. Learning Spanish and the Spanish-speaking culture extends beyond language fluency building critical thinking skills that are transferable to many career fields. Individuals that can understand Spanish will find that the knowledge of the Spanish language and culture is often a priority to a potential employer over other job skills for positions they may be applying for. This program is designed to provide both conversational language exposure along with the cultural experiences necessary to succeed in a global work environment. At North Central College you will acquire the skills necessary to live and work in an international community. You will also gain exposure to cultural perspectives that will provide an in depth understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures and how to operate within them. Whatever you choose to do with what you learn, studying Professional Spanish is sure to provide a wide variety of rewarding employment opportunities as a result of this in demand skill.
- Researching information related to foreign markets, law, labor relations, health and social services, marketing, and news to assist international companies with making informed business decisions
- Providing leadership in the travel industry for organizations with locations, clients or customers in Spanish-speaking regions
- Gaining internship experience using both English and Spanish languages
then a minor in PROFESSIONAL SPANISH might be for you.
Why study professional Spanish at North Central College?
In the Classroom
Coursework topics:
- Internship allowing students apply knowledge and explore career options within companies and organizations with the need for Spanish-speaking professionals
- Advanced Conversation and Composition in Spanish
- Civilization of Spain
- Communicative Spaces in Spanish
- Elementary Spanish• Hispanic Linguistics
- Latin American Area and Civilizations
- Spanish Enrichment
- Spanish for the Professions
- Survey of Latin American Literature
- Survey of Literature of Spain
Beyond the Classroom
As a Professional Spanish minor, you can:
- Participate in a focused internship enhancing your ability to communicate and work in a global environment.
- Gain valuable knowledge from professionals in diverse fields and industries.
- Take advantage of on-campus tutoring options and the Roberta I. Myers Language Resource Center for individualized tutoring or audio and video support.
- Qualify for induction into Sigma Delta Pi, the Spanish Honor Society
Professional Spanish Minor
Students may not complete both a Professional Spanish minor and a major in Spanish.
For additional programs and courses in this department, see World Languages and Cultures.
A minimum of 20 credit hours, including:
SPAN 322 - Spanish for the Professions
SPAN 322 - Spanish for the Professions
SPAN 397 - Internship
SPAN 397 - Internship
Ten Credit hours of SPAN electives at or above the level of
Four credit hours from the following:
BIOL 107 - Infectious Disease and Global Health
BIOL 107 - Infectious Disease and Global Health
BUSN 201 - Global Business, Ethics and Politics
BUSN 201 - Global Business, Ethics and Politics
ENGL 236 - Latina/O/X Literature
ENGL 236 - Latina/O/X Literature
ENVI 210 - Sustainability in a Changing World
ENVI 210 - Sustainability in a Changing World
ENVI 325 - Environmental Justice
ENVI 325 - Environmental Justice
GSST 340 - Global Views: Women in Science
GSST 340 - Global Views: Women in Science
HIST 114 - History of the American West
HIST 114 - History of the American West
HIST 120 - Chicago History
HIST 120 - Chicago History
HIST 226 - U.S. and Illinois since 1945
HIST 226 - U.S. and Illinois since 1945
HIST 310 - Immigration and U.S. Ethnic Identity
HIST 310 - Immigration and U.S. Ethnic Identity
HIST 320 - U.S. Social Movements
HIST 320 - U.S. Social Movements
HIST 325 - American Cities and Suburbs
HIST 325 - American Cities and Suburbs
LEAD 330 - Leaders Without Borders
LEAD 330 - Leaders Without Borders
LEAD 350 - Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution
LEAD 350 - Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution
MGMT 305 - Management and Organizational Behavior
MGMT 305 - Management and Organizational Behavior
MGMT 475 - International Management
MGMT 475 - International Management
MKTG 300 - Principles of Marketing
MKTG 300 - Principles of Marketing
PSYC 310 - Cultural Psychology
PSYC 310 - Cultural Psychology
*With department approval, additional couses may also serve as electives.
Gain valuable knowledge from professionals in diverse fields and industries!
Our internships will provide you with experience of specific job cultures, practices and challenges in bilingual settings in the fields of Business, Medicine, Psychology, Jurisprudence, Education and many others. North Central’s Office of Career Development can assist you in crafting an internship that best meets your needs.
Invest in your future
Choosing the right college is a big decision. Don’t make it alone. North Central’s admission and financial aid team is here to help you design a financial aid solution that works best for you and your family.
Merit scholarships, grants, loans, campus employment - these are just some of the resources available to you. Over 95 percent of students and 100 percent of all eligible students receive aid. Let our team partner with you in finding the best value for your education.
Learn more about financial aid and costs for North Central College
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