Film & Screen Studies
Why pursue a film and screen studies degree at North Central College?
Students will be taught the knowledge and skills needed for the emerging and evolving film and screen culture industry. Film and screen studies is an interdisciplinary program devoted to teaching students to understand moving images not just as entertainment, but also as film aesthetic creations and an art form composed of cultural studies and historical artifacts. Film production is a cultural form that saturates our environment and is part of our globalizing world: we are inundated by contemporary cinema, television shows, YouTube clips, game animation, advertisements—even the videos we so casually shoot on small mobile devices and post on social media.
A minor in Film and Screen Studies can prepare students for graduate study at a university or careers within the film industry as theatre producers, analysts and consumers of moving images. The minor also complements major studies in most fields; for example, Interactive Media Technology, Graphic Arts, Speech Communication, Marketing, English Studies, Film History, Theater, Global Studies, Music and Journalism. Those with a minor in film and screen studies will learn topics such as the history of film, film theory, screenwriting, criticism of cinema, and more. Students will be given the opportunity to develop and interdisciplinary approach to the study of film and screen media.
In the Classroom
Coursework topics:
- Introduction to Film and Screen
- History of American Film
- History of Global Film
- Film Theory and Criticism
Beyond the Classroom
As a film and screen studies minor, you can:
- Apply for internships and jobs through robust faculty and alumni networks or the Center for Career and Professional Development.
- Join our student Film Club.
- Conduct research with funded travel through the Richter Grant and present your findings at the National Council for Undergraduate Research or the North Central College Rall Symposium.
Film and Screen Studies Minor
Film and Screen Studies is an interdisciplinary minor devoted to teaching students to understand moving images not just as entertainment, but also as aesthetic creations and cultural/historical artifacts which have been produced, consumed and used in specific times and places. Developing sophisticated visual literacy skills has never been more important, as these cultural forms saturate our environment and are part and parcel of our globalizing world: we are inundated by films; television shows; youtube clips; game animation; advertisements; even the videos we so casually shoot on small cellular devices. A minor in Film and Screen Studies can prepare students for graduate study or careers as producers, analysts and consumers of moving images. As well, the minor can serve as a significant complement to major studies in most fields, for example, Interactive Media Technology, Graphic Arts, Speech Communication, Marketing, English Studies, History, Theater, Global Studies, Music and Journalism.
For additional programs and courses in this department, see English.
At least 24 credit hours, including:
Core Courses
FILM 100 - Introduction to Film and Screen
FILM 100 - Introduction to Film and Screen
FILM 200 - History of American Film
FILM 200 - History of American Film
FILM 300 - History of Global Film
FILM 300 - History of Global Film
FILM 490 - Film Theory and Criticism
FILM 490 - Film Theory and Criticism
Take two courses from the following:
FILM 350 - TV Form: History and Theory
FILM 350 - TV Form: History and Theory
FILM 390 - Special Topics in Film and Screen Studies
FILM 390 - Special Topics in Film and Screen Studies
ENGL 334 - Critical Theory
ENGL 334 - Critical Theory
ENGL 214 - Graphic Narratives
ENGL 214 - Graphic Narratives
ARTD 100 - Visual Literacy
ARTD 100 - Visual Literacy
ARTD 280 - Animation I: Methods and Story
ARTD 280 - Animation I: Methods and Story
ARTD 380 - Animation II: Sequential Art
ARTD 380 - Animation II: Sequential Art
COMM 389 - Gender, Sexuality and Mass Media
COMM 389 - Gender, Sexuality and Mass Media
MEDI 222 - Video Storytelling I
MEDI 222 - Video Storytelling I
MEDI 262 - Introduction to Digital Audio
MEDI 262 - Introduction to Digital Audio
MEDI 370 - Screenwriting
MEDI 370 - Screenwriting
RELG 245 - Hollywood, Values and Religion
RELG 245 - Hollywood, Values and Religion
THEA 101 - Introduction to Acting
THEA 101 - Introduction to Acting
THST 330 - Directing
THST 330 - Directing
THST 365 - Acting on Camera
THST 365 - Acting on Camera
Film and Screen Studies Internships and Jobs
A North Central education integrates career preparation with rich academic study. Our faculty encourages you to refine and apply your knowledge in an interconnected world. Here you'll learn to think independently and work globally to solve problems and lead.
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