Title IX- Reporting Option Links
This page provides links and contact information (both on and off campus resources) for making reports of sexual misconduct.
Reporting to Campus Safety & Law Enforcement
The right of individuals to report to law enforcement is supported, but the College also acknowledges that some individuals do not want to report their experiences with sexual misconduct or bias-related incidents/hate crimes to law enforcement. Any individual who would like to report to law enforcement can be assisted through the Campus Advocate (for sexual misconduct) or Campus Safety.
Reporting to the Assistant Vice President for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The Assistant Vice President for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Rebecca Gordon, serves as the Title IX/504 Coordinator. She is located in Old Main 524, 30 N Brainard.
Reports can be made regarding allegations of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and/or retaliation in person, by phone, through the online reporting form, and via email.
Contact her by emailing rgordon@noctrl.edu or calling 630-637-5340.
Online & Anonymous Reporting
Amnesty for Complainant and Witnesses
Complainants, third-party reporters, and witnesses are encouraged to report misconduct and crimes. Sometimes, Complainants or witnesses are hesitant to report to College officials or participate in grievance processes because they fear that they themselves may be in violation of certain policies, such as underage drinking or use of illicit drugs at the time of the incident. Respondents may hesitate to be forthcoming during the process for the same reasons.
It is in the best interests of the College community that Complainants choose to report misconduct to College officials, that witnesses come forward to share what they know, and that all parties be forthcoming during the process.
To encourage reporting and participation in the process, the College maintains a policy of offering parties and witnesses amnesty from minor policy violations – such as underage consumption of alcohol or the use of illicit drugs – related to the incident.
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