

Clifford Wall taught physics at North Central from 1929-1941 before moving to the University of Minnesota. He authored a leading laboratory manual for introductory physics. Dr. Wall was awarded the 1954 Oersted Medal, the American Association of Physics Teachers' highest award.  (9/05)



Newell Gingrich earned his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago under the direction of Nobel laureate A. H. Compton. Gingrich went on to become a leading researcher in the fields of x-ray diffraction in liquids and neutron crystallography. He taught at the University of Missouri from 1936-1973, where he was the driving force in building the physics department's program of faculty research and graduate education. (9/05)


Harold Zahl played a major role in the development of radar during World War II. He invented the "Zahl tube", a vacuum tube used to power high-frequency radar for detecting flying aircraft. After the war Dr. Zahl headed the military research labs at Ft. Monmouth.  (9/05)


Harvey Mehlhouse was the 13th president of the Western Electric Company. In 1970, he received the New York Urban League’s Frederick Douglass Award for distinguished leadership toward equal opportunity. He was a trustee of North Central College from 1972-76.  (1/06)


Carl Gamertsfelder was on of the pioneers of the field of Health Physics.  During his work on the Manhattan Project he developed radiation monitoring instruments and techniques, including the first practical neutron monitor.  He was one of 49 individuals present when Enrico Fermi's nuclear reactor achieved self-sustaining criticality.  He later worked at the national laboratory in Hanford, WA (now named Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) and General Electric.  Dr. Gemertsfelder's career has been chronicled by the U.S. Department of Energy.  (9/05) 


Robert Arnold

Edith Boldebuck