Alumni Events

Join Us!

The Office of Alumni & Parent Engagement wants to share all the exciting events with our fellow Cardinals!  

Click on the highlighted  links below to register (additional links coming soon).

Department of Theatre Calendar of Events - October-April (click HERE for more info) 

Women's Soccer Alumni Game & Social - April 5

An Evening with Dr. Ann Keating - April 8

Baseball Alumni Day & BBQ - April 12

Men's Soccer Alumni Game & BBQ - April 13

Softball Family & Alumni Day - April 19

Football Spring Tailgate - April 19

Accounting Alumni Social - April 24

College Scholars Alumni Social - April 25

Black Alumni Picnic - DATE TBD 

Cubs vs. White Sox Alumni Social @ Wrigley Field - May 17

Chicago Alumni Social - June 12 *registration coming soon

Wrestling Golf Outing - June 21 *registration coming soon

Basketball Golf Outing - July 21 *registration coming soon

QB Club Golf Outing - July 28 *registration coming soon

Check back here for continuing updates regarding upcoming gatherings and fun events. If you have specific questions or suggestions for events you'd like to see happen, email the Office of Alumni & Parent Engagement at or call 630-637-5200.