North Central College in the News
Author writes in New York Times essay that attending North Central changed her life
Jul 10, 2024
In a guest essay for The New York Times, award-winning author, columnist, journalist, professor and advocate Rachel Louise Snyder ‘92 told the story of how an email from her former high school dean of students led her to reflect on her troubled youth, which included being expelled from high school at age 16. Though she had nearly given up hope of attending college and finding her way to a prosperous future, Snyder recounted that her long journey to success started at North Central College.
In the piece — titled “Notes From a Formerly Unpromising Young Person” — Snyder described meeting with Rick Spencer H ‘22, an honorary trustee at North Central and retired vice president of institutional advancement, who was the College’s director of admission at the time. Despite her poor academic record, Spencer saw something special in her and offered her admission to the College.
She wrote, “When Mr. Spencer sat in the admissions office of North Central College and said, ‘I’m going to take a chance on you, Rachel Snyder,’ those were probably the most important words of my life.”
After the New York Times published the essay on July 5, 2024, Spencer recalled that meeting years ago. “I found her honest, forthright and personable,” he said “There was something in her eyes that showed determination, and I felt if she wanted to accomplish something, she could. It was shared between us—I said, ‘I’m going to let you come here,’ and she said, ‘I’m not going to let you down.’
“It’s gratifying, because where she’s gotten was not because of me. Yes, I accepted her to the College and gave her the opportunity, but her growth and drive to be an accomplished writer? That’s all her.”
In addition to her many other professional accolades, which include five highly acclaimed books, numerous literary awards, and a Guggenheim Fellowship, Snyder returned to North Central in 2015 to receive the Outstanding Alumni Award.
In the essay, Snyder said, “North Central College gave me a life. I went on to attend graduate school, then to travel the world as a foreign correspondent, to give birth to a daughter, to publish multiple books and to eventually become a professor. Not one of these successes would have been possible without the man who took a chance on me.
“I know that a four-year college is only one avenue to a successful life — and that it by no means guarantees one. I also know that community colleges and vocational schools offer just as many opportunities. But what made getting into college particularly significant for me was not just the opportunities a degree afforded, but also the sense that I was there because someone had taken the time to meet me, to listen and to ultimately believe I had potential.”
Read Snyder’s full essay in the New York Times (subscription required). .