North Central College in the News
North Central Physicist Interviewed on WGN on Earth Day
May 01, 2020
Dr. Paul Bloom talks climate amid the COVID-19 pandemic
North Central College’s Dr. Paul Bloom, associate professor of physics, was interviewed on WGN** news on Wednesday, April 23. During the interview, Dr. Bloom addressed the recent impacts around the world and the changes we’ve seen take place around the globe—from the canals in Venice, Italy, to air pollution—which have been a result of efforts to curb the COVID-19 pandemic.
It was rather fitting that Dr. Bloom weighed in on the global pandemic’s implications on Earth Day.
“The big message that comes out of this is that when we care about a problem, we can make big changes rapidly and part of that has been a result of our shelter-in-place,” said Dr. Bloom. “Therefore, we have reduced our energy use and you can see the effects immediately with the air and water being clearer. I think what this situation shows us is that if we can decide that climate change is a serious enough issue, we can take the necessary steps to get this problem under control.”
Click here to watch the full interview on WGN.
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