Campus Living FAQ
How can I contact the Office of Residence Life?
Email (reslife@noctrl.edu) is our preferred form of communication and will likely receive a faster response than a phone call or voicemail. You can also call us at 630-637-5858 or stop by our office in New Hall.
Am I required to live on campus?
Research shows that college students who live on campus connect better to campus life, experience greater academic success and are more likely to continue on to graduation. It is College policy that first-year, sophomore and junior students, not living with their families, are required to live in campus housing. If you need to request an exception to this policy, you may submit an appeal in writing to the Office of Residence Life.
Am I required to have a meal plan?
All undergraduate students who live on campus are required to have a meal plan. Graduate students can choose whether they want to opt into a meal plan.
Do I get to pick my roommates?
If you know someone you would like to room with on campus, you may note this person on your housing questionnaire. We’ll try our best to match you with your preferred roommate, though we cannot guarantee it. It’s important that both you and your requested roommate clearly mark that you want to room together in campus housing – we can only honor mutual roommate requests. If you have questions about this process, feel free to contact the Office of Residence Life at 630-637-5858 or reslife@noctrl.edu.
If you were assigned a roommate by your coach, you and your roommate must both request to live together if you want to do so. Residence Life works directly with students to select their roommates so the student is in control of their living situation.
What if I don’t know anyone to room with?
Then leave the choice up to the Residence Life staff! We’ll do our best to match you with someone who has similar interests, tastes and lifestyle choices. Many such roommates end up becoming life-long friends!
I was assigned a roommate, and then they were moved from my room. What does that mean?
We continue to make room changes throughout the summer as we try to find the best match possible for everyone. Students are also able to meet someone at Orientation or through their sport and request to live together. This means their assigned roommates would now be without a roommate. We work diligently to place students together with a large number of metrics for common interests, so we would not place the two people without roommates together unless they were a good match. Instead, we go back to our pool of applicants and look for the best possible match. This process takes some time, so you may find yourself changing roommates throughout the summer as we try to find someone who best fits your living style.
Where can I find my room assignment?
As soon as you have been placed, you can find your room assignment on eRezLife, our online portal. Click on "Housing Overview" in the left-hand menu and then select the appropriate application. Your room assignment as well as any currently assigned roommates and suitemates will be listed. If you don't see a roommate listed, that does not mean you will not have a roommate. They may be assigned at a later date.
How do you make building-specific and single room assignments?
Building and single room assignments are based on credits. If you requested a single and did not get it, that likely means that there were no singles left for students with your number of credits. There are limited single room assignments, and students should not expect to have a single unless they have a large amount of credits (90 or more). If you requested a specific building and have been placed somewhere else, the building was full at the time of your application for students with your number of credits.
Students are only assigned based on the number of credits that have been formally approved through the College. During lottery periods, students are assigned to selection groups based on the number of credits they have earned, not the number of credits they are currently enrolled in.
When do I move in if I'm starting school at North Central for the first time in the Spring?
Welcome Home! Incoming students can move in between First-year students move in on Friday, January 3, 2025 between 10am and 2pm. Students should report to New Hall (451 South Brainard) to pick up their key.
When do returning students move in?
Welcome Back! Returning students can return any time after 8am on Sunday, January 5, 2025. There is no check-in process for returning students.
Can I bring a pet?
Fish are the only pets allowed and must be housed in a 5-gallon tank or smaller. If you bring an aquarium, remember you’ll need to transport it to and from your residence hall when the campus is closed. No other pets are permitted in the residence halls.
We’re sure you have dozens of other questions. Check out our detailed FAQ page and feel free to contact the Office of Residence Life at 630-637-5858 or reslife@noctrl.edu if you want to know more about living on campus. We are happy to help!
Can I ship items before I arrive?
Of course! You can send all items to our mail room, and they will be held for you. Please do not ship items to arrive more than two weeks before your move in date.
Please use the following address to mail packages:
451 S Brainard St.
Naperville, IL 60540
All students are assigned a mailbox number through the NCC Mailroom. You can contact the mailroom at 630-637-5210 for more information!