Literature Emphasis

English 480: Senior Portfolio Literature Emphasis  
1 credit hour offered FA, WI, SP

Portfolio Aims

This course meets only three times during the term to provide structure and peer support as you refine and complete your Senior Portfolio, a graduation requirement. You should take the portfolio course only after you have completed several 300-400 level courses in literature, because the portfolio should represent your best professional work in literary interpretation. Portfolios are assessed as Pass/Fail. In order to pass, students must submit three well-developed literary analyses, drawn primarily from 300-400 level courses, and an introductory reflection on your work as an English major in literature. Essays forming the core of the portfolio will be evaluated as works of literary analysis. In preparation for the day when you begin to compile your own portfolio, save your paper assignments, the graded hard copy with instructor comments, and an unmarked copy on your computer or disc drive. If you save all your papers, you will have many options to choose from to complete the requirements for your portfolio. 

Portfolio Requirements

Students completing a literature portfolio are required to submit:

1.  A baseline essay from an early English lit class, preferably 201.
2.  Three essays preferably from 300-400 level courses that have been revised, are in correct MLA style, and error free.
3.  One of these three must be a research paper from a 300-400 level course.
4.  Together the three essays must represent two different literary periods and two different genres (poetry,  drama, or fiction).

Assessment will pay special attention to:

1.  Presentation of primary and secondary sources; 
2.  Grammar and conventions of standard written English;
3.  Skill in handling argument and evidence.

Your writing must be critically aware, carefully revised, presented in correct MLA style, and rigorously edited and proofread.  All portfolios will be reviewed for instances of plagiarism.