Service and Social Action Organizations
- BREAKAWAY fosters educational, cultural, and spiritual growth opportunities for students through domestic and international service trips.
- Bulls and Bears Club promotes both economic and financial literacy within the North Central College community.
- Cardinals in Action: a Chapter of Circle K is part of Kiwanis and engages students in service for children and supports and increases the visibility of needs in the local community, propelling students to a life of service.
- Green Scene is dedicated to environmental education through on-campus activities.
- Feed the Need Illinois is the annual Feed My Starving Children Mobilepack on the campus of North Central College where over 5,000 volunteers gather with a goal to pack 1 million meals to be distributed to malnourished children around the world.
- Food Allergy Dietary Restriction Association serves the collective college community. The primary mission of this organization is to provide a way for the student community to express dietary concerns of the campus to the food services at NCC.
- Junior/Senior Scholars is a college-readiness program for students in high-need schools, staffed by North Central student mentors and tutors.
- Monarch Landing offers students the opportunity to be paired with a senior resident at Monarch Landing Retirement Community, whose residents offer a unique insight to their student counterparts with regard to success in their academics and their futures.
- NCC College Democrats is a political organization that is dedicated to helping students find their voice both on campus and in the surrounding community, no matter what their partisanship may be.
- NCC College Republicans serves to provide opportunities to develop both political skills and leadership abilities within the political realm. Involvement, action and meaningful discourse act as the credo for the group.
- NCC Feminist Society promotes action and discussion on gender equality and proper rights for all. We have discussions and events that touch on the different topics of intersectional feminism, such as misogyny, ableism, dating violence, and many more topics. The Feminist Society promotes the ideal that feminism is not just for women, but for men as well, because women are not the only ones affected by gender roles.
- OUTreach is NCC's LGBTQIA+ and ally community. We strive to use the tools and resources available to us at North Central to promote understanding and awareness of issues we, as a community, face.
- Positive Healthy Active Minds Evolving (PHAME) promotes mental and physical health awareness and encourages awareness about mental health and stigmas associated with mental illness.
- Relay For Life coordinates an overnight fundraising event that celebrates the lives of people who have battled cancer, remembers loved ones lost and fights back against the disease.
- Rotaract is Rotary-sponsored and addresses needs of the community and promotes better relations among all people through a framework of friendship and service.
- Students for Social Innovation desires to motivate, educate, and inspire students to engage in and solve social issues that matter to them.
- Student Veteran Alliance connects students, staff, faculty, and alumni across the entire college footprint to build a cohesive relationship and increase the visibility of student veterans, staff, faculty and alumni concerns within the campus family.
- Women Aspiring, Venturing and Evolving Science (WAVES) determines to encourage women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, where all students can learn and discover the difficulties these fields are faced with, especially in respect to gender equality.