North Central College Cardinal Pledge

An Education for All

North Central College is committed to making a North Central degree accessible to Illinois students and families. The North Central College Cardinal Pledge assists eligible students by covering 100% of tuition and standard fees utilizing federal, state, and institutional aid.

*Two steps to find out if you qualify:

  1. Apply for admission
  2. File the 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid, available now. To be included in the first round of financial aid offers, we encourage you to apply by our priority filing date of January 15. 
    • You can complete the Federal Student Aid Estimator to determine your eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant. Note: A student’s Student Aid Index must be below 9,000 to qualify for the Illinois Monetary Assistance Program (MAP) Grant.
Cardinal Pledge logo

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you become and remain eligible?

  • You must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • You must be an Illinois resident (if you are a dependent, the parent whose information is used on the FAFSA must be an Illinois resident)
  • You must qualify for the Federal Pell Grant and State of IL MAP Grant
  • You attended and graduated from an Illinois high school
  • You’re admitted as a new first-year student
  • You must be enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program for at least 12 credit hours during fall or spring semesters
  • Financial aid file must be complete
  • Meet Standards of Academic Progress (SAP) and other Title IV eligibility requirements 

Is the Pledge only available to new students?

Yes, only new entering first-year students are eligible for the Pledge. This cannot be appealed.

Do you have to be a resident to be eligible?

No, you do not have to be a resident to be eligible for the Pledge. However, the residential costs (housing and food) are your responsibility. You can use your federal student loans and work-study offerings to assist with this cost. Please note that you must follow all rules and regulations from the Office of Residence Life if you choose to change your housing status while receiving the Pledge.

To receive the pledge, commuter students must qualify for the maximum Pell Grant and State of IL MAP Grant. 

What costs will be covered by the Pledge?

Tuition (up to 18 credit hours) and standard student fees (student activity, wellness, and technology).

What costs are NOT included in the Pledge?

Housing, food plans, additional course fees, books, book rental fees, and any other charge a student may incur above tuition and standard student fees (student activity, wellness, and technology).

Are students able to appeal their eligibility for the Pledge?

Students can only appeal to have their participation in this program extended beyond the four-year guarantee. For example, if a student has used their eight semesters of eligibility but requires an additional term to graduate, they may appeal for an extra semester(s) of eligibility. 

Does the parent listed on the FAFSA for a dependent student also need to be an Illinois resident or currently live in Illinois to be eligible for the Pledge?

Yes, to be eligible for the State of IL MAP Grant, the dependent student’s parent on the FAFSA must be a resident of Illinois each year. 

Are students enrolled in a study abroad program eligible to receive the Pledge?

Yes, students enrolled in most study abroad programs would still be eligible, but this program only covers the standard tuition and fees for a semester at North Central (up to 18 credit hours). 

What happens if I become ineligible for the Federal Pell Grant or State of IL MAP Grant in the future?

To receive the Pledge, a student must qualify for the Federal Pell Grant and the State of IL MAP Grant. If a student loses eligibility, they are no longer eligible for the Cardinal Pledge.

What if I qualify for a tuition benefit program? 

Students who qualify for the Cardinal Pledge and a tuition benefit will be awarded the tuition benefit, not the Cardinal Pledge. 

Can I qualify for other North Central scholarships in addition to the Pledge?

Yes, students can receive other merit-based scholarships in addition to the Pledge. However, the total of federal, state, and institutional aid will not exceed tuition and standard fees. 

What happens if I receive an outside scholarship?

Outside scholarships are evaluated individually at the donor’s discretion. If the scholarship is specific to tuition and fees, the Pledge will be reduced by the scholarship amount. If the scholarship is not specific, it can be used for other educational expenses. 

What if I’m readmitted after receiving the Pledge?

Students readmitted to North Central are not eligible for the Pledge.

What happens if I change my major while receiving the Pledge? 

This program is guaranteed for four academic years. 

Do I have to be full-time to receive the Pledge?

Yes, students must be full-time to receive the Pledge.

What happens if my Pledge expires?

Students who extend their enrollment at North Central beyond their four years must appeal to be considered for additional semesters of the Pledge.

Can I use the Pledge in the summer?

No, the Pledge is only available for the fall and spring semesters.

What happens if tuition changes during my time at North Central?

While we do not know how tuition will adjust in the future, tuition can increase, decrease, or stay the same. If tuition were to increase, students would be responsible for the difference, and we can work with you and your family on available resources to assist.


Contact the Office of Financial Aid by emailing or calling 630-637-5600. We look forward to meeting you!

Old Main with fall leaves