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Teach First

Teach First helps first-generation students who want to become teachers by providing useful mentorships and resources for success in your career and life.

As a first-generation college student, Teach First provides you with a support network of peers, professors and professional educators from the first day of your college career.

You’ll meet regularly with Teach First director Julie Carballo throughout the academic year to discuss how you’re adjusting to college life and any challenges they may be facing in the classroom. You’ll connect with peers who understand your struggles and share in the celebration of your achievements. Teach First will help you create an individualized learning plan that includes realistic academic, personal, and professional goals.

Invest in your future

Choosing the right college is a big decision. Don’t make it alone. North Central’s admission and financial aid team is here to help you design a financial aid solution that works best for you and your family.

Merit scholarships, grants, loans, campus employment - these are just some of the resources available to you. Over 95 percent of students and 100 percent of all eligible students receive aid. Let our team partner with you in finding the best value for your education.

Learn more about financial aid and costs for North Central College

Apply to North Central College

The first step to becoming a North Central student is reading the application instructions specific to you. Find out everything you need to know about applying by selecting the group you belong to below.

What our students think of Teach First

Nicole Avissati '19

North Central Teach First student Nicole Avvisati leads students in an exercise.“Teach First has played a huge part in my success at North Central. Between the encouragement and the many opportunities the program provided, I have truly grown. I am so thankful for the friends I have made in this organization. I will forever have people I can call to share my celebrations or my struggles. I am so excited to move forward with my career, but I will miss being on campus surrounded by such a supportive group of people. My experiences throughout this program have set me on the path to become a successful teacher. I am so grateful for the opportunities provided by the College and Teach First.”

Sheryll Hernandez '19

North Central Teach First student Sheryll Hernandez.“I honestly do not know how I would have gotten over the hurdles of North Central’s rigorous education program without the help of Teach First. Teach First has given me opportunities to connect and network with other students and faculty. This program allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and stay connected with students who are in the same boat as me. In successful friendships--or really in any relationship--finding similarities is one of the key factors. I am forever grateful to have been given the opportunity, through Teach First, to meet lifelong friends who share my passion for teaching.”

Jacob Wantland '19

North Central Teach First student Jacob Wantland.“The Teach First program was so beneficial to me not only as an education student, but as a first-generation college student. The constant support and email reminders kept me well informed and prepared, even as a student who didn’t quite understand the college experience. When I was really struggling with adapting to college as a freshman, Teach First’s structure and support were there to help me along and give me the confidence I needed to have success not only in education, but in college as a whole.”

Kennedy Taylor '19

North Central Teach First student Kennedy Taylor.“Teach First allowed me to forge relationships with professors who understood the distinct challenges of being a first-generation student. The workshops and guest speakers had an especially positive impact, because they guided me through things I didn’t even realize I would need to know about college and life after.”