What date/time would you like to audition* × Friday, October 11th (No Art, reach out individually if interested) × Tuesday, November 5th (No Art, reach out individually if interested) × Tuesday, January 21st (No Art, reach out individually if interested) × Monday, February 17th × Student's Full Name* × Home Phone × Cell Phone × Email* × High School* × Last College Attended (If Applicable) × Are you going to file the FAFSA?* - Select -YesNoNo, I am not eligible to file Audition Type (May Select More Than One)* × Art × Athletic Bands × Choir/Vocal × Composition × Concert Band × Jazz/Vocal Jazz × Orchestra × Piano × Theatre (Acting, Musical Theatre, Directing & Dramaturgy, or Design & Technology) × If you have requested a Music Audition, please specify your Instrument or Voice Type (if applicable) × If you have requested a Theatre Audition, please specify if you will be auditioning for Acting, Musical, Directing & Dramaturgy, or Design & Technology × If you have requested an Art Audition, please specify if you will be completing a portfolio review for Studio Art or Graphic Design (please note you must be a Graphic Design major to complete a Graphic Design portfolio review) CAPTCHA × Math question* 2 + 6 = Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. × Leave this field blank