Degree and Licensure Options

The State of Illinois issues a professional teacher's license that enables educators to work in the state. Endorsements provide the credential to teach a subject matter content area and grade level. Endorsements correspond to the content area in which the teacher studied in their undergraduate program (English, science, etc.) and grade levels.

Bachelor Degrees
Degree Options (bachelor degrees are awarded by the College in the following areas): Licensure Options (state endorsements that correspond to the degree options):
Elementary Education Major Endorsement: Elementary education 1-6
Studio Art Major Endorsement: Visual Arts K-12
English Major Endorsement: English 9-12
Foreign Language: Chinese French German Spanish Endorsement: Chinese K-12 French K-12 German K-12 Spanish K-12
History/Social Studies Endorsement: Social Sciences 9-12
Mathematics Endorsement: Mathematics 9-12
Music Education Endorsement: Music K-12
Sciences: Biology Chemistry Physics Endorsement: Biology 9-12 Chemistry 9-12 Physics 9-12
Specialized Education Minors and Endorsements
Minors Endorsement
English Language Learners English Language Learning K-4; 5-8 English Language Learning 6-8; 9-12 English Language Learning K-12
Learning Behavior Specialist 1 (LBS 1) 1-6 Learning Behavior Specialist 1 (LBS 1) 9-12 Learning Behavior Specialist 1 (LBS 1) K-12